Today, I’m a pile of birds huddling together for warmth or companionship atop a pole, looking off to the north at a smudgy daub of a bone white cloud against flat gray mid afternoon skies, and waiting for the next round of rain to drag its sodden shawls and humid hems overhead.

Five or six birds sit together atop a slim white  roadway light pole against a grayish silver horizon fading upward to off white sky above a grab bag horizon of treetops close by and faint mountains over in Marin County in the distance Thursday, December 9, 2022 in San Pablo, California

I spent mid-morning bemused by encountered spaces: a mall with an utterly abandoned sleigh stage for future Santa performances, and a Hot Topic store with speakers blasting an emo “Happy Christmas/War Is Over” cover; concrete steps hosting fellow fire drillers under wan sunlight.

A brilliant orange maple leaf with a few stray leaf stalks lying atop and near the seams of flat pale gray sidewalk Wednesday, December 7, 2022 on Pringle Avenue between North Main Street and North California Boulevard

The cat knew what kind of day it was gonna be so she behaved accordingly, as one who’s been licked before, and stayed out of sight until moments ago. Today’s weird thing: four randomly ordered (not by me) anime-themed T-shirts that arrived at our address. Tomorrow, they gotta go.

A short haired eight pound black cat who occasionally answers to the name Begum sticks her paw high into the air as she bends over and licks her fur newly clean while resting on a grayish brown wood patterned vinyl flooring.

Stories came today, and I tried following without the exact same stresses and resentments from before. After all, I’ve changed, or at least recharged after time off, time away, right? Maybe. I found enough to get to day’s end, having put the words where they were supposed to go.

A big gray dramatic inkblot of a cloud, gray edging toward charcoal at its center, floating at least several thousand feet below a choppy mix of light gray cloudy skies late Monday afternoon, December 6, 2022 in San Pablo, California

When I grow up, I want to be a basketball court. I didn’t realize this until walking just this morning out of my former neighborhood cafe, where bacon is still fried hard and crisp and kombucha is vinegary sweet, and seeing a dude on the court across from me practicing tai chi.

A person wearing a faded gray green hooded sweatshirt and black sweat pants and white low top sneakers crouches with arms akimbo during an impromptu tai chi session atop the basketball court Sunday, December 4th, 2022 at F.M. Smith Park in Oakland, California

At least here, the heater is warm, the kitchen can be rearranged, the guitar can be re-tuned and listlessly strummed as melodic or rhythmic ideas occur. The new-old hoodie and two-sizes-too-large jeans will warm me while the floor heater valiantly takes on the day’s gray glower.

A portable floor resting room heater sits on brownish gray wood laminate floor softly lit by bluish gray late afternoon outside light Saturday, December 3, 2022 in San Pablo, California

The end of a long staycation week away appears to be approaching fast. Normally, that would mean an increased level of frenetic activity before a return to regular working hours. But a few things aside, I feel like I can’t bring myself to get back onto the treadmill just yet. It’ll be there when it can no longer be avoided. **shrug** At least I tore down some boxes for recycling, moved my desk and piano and instruments around in our living room, took out the trash and took another swing at repairing our trash can’s foot pedal. If one tosses in an exercise-bike stint, some social posts and replies and a bit of a Fleetwood Mac listening jag, it looks suspiciously active. But it doesn’t feel hurried or stressful, the way it might if I were coming off travel like previous away-times.

A view from a darkened halfway of a smoke filled living room, lit by sunlight coming from a balcony window with open blinds, with a desk, chair and guitar propped against a far corner

A peaceful day at home watching rain gently fall, skies slowly clear and sunset just now arriving (which I know because my phone’s blue light filter just shifted). Bills were paid, meals were eaten, beverages are now being consumed. A perfect soap bubble, all too soon going pop.

A few stray wisps of clouds lit glowing orange by slanting sunlight from the western horizon against a background of slightly higher glowering gray clouds tinted a similar orange as seen Thursday, December 1, 2022 in San Pablo, California

A. and I spent time today at a bookstore. Walking past a front door sign urging but not requiring use of facial coverings, we headed to the cafe and got beverages. I didn’t count masks on others, but could’ve done so on a hand. We brought ours for our and others’ safety.

A cafe section of the Barnes and Noble bookstore Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at El Cerrito Plaza in El Cerrito, California, with cafe visitors sitting distantly beyond the edge of a foregrounded large red round table.

The maps show our place sits between two creeks. There’s at least one good solid storm in the forecast. With a few days off to go, maybe it’s time to hit a point or beach for some nature while it’s nice out, since there won’t be any fish anywhere else we regularly visit.

A tree with nearly completely barren branches, except for remnants of golden brown leaves along its lowest reaches, stands against pale blue northeastern evening sky Monday, November 28, 2022 in San Pablo, California. Nearby trees are visible along the horizon and fill out a skyline above a low apartment building roof.