I didn’t think I was going to get any movement in today, but a little bit of bike action to start helped. Then I did a slow, lazy robot-vacuum style lap of the empty central plaza that connects two office buildings where our little rented broom closet is. A successful new routine!

A nighttime view of a four-door vehicle enters the crosswalk Wednesday, December 28, 2022 as it travels south along North California Boulevard in Walnut Creek, California, next to elevated tracks where a speeding BART train heads toward the nearby Walnut Creek station.

It doesn’t feel like a short week, partly because of the work but mostly because of the little interruptions. At least there’s progress on some fronts, tasks to occupy idle hands, and small but worthwhile distractions if one knows where to look and to stop and take in the view.

A long swirly charcoal gust of cloud hangs low beneath a stretch of gray to silver to white cloud layers Tuesday, December 27, 2022 in San Pablo, California.

Saw so many people out today, dragging other family members along, trying to get a change of scenery and some fresh air. After my shift yesterday, we were doing the same, and couldn’t be mad at everyone else for getting in our way. At least overhead conversations were mostly fun.

Stark bare black branches from a youngish tree next to an AC Transit bus stop aim skyward against flat whitish gray cloudy skies Monday, December 26, 2022 in the 1900 block of University Avenue in Berkeley, California.

A day in, partway through “The Bird King,” accommodating somebody’s process and holding my tongue in check, and making a holiday call with a couple of others overheard. At least I’m fed and watered, neither ridden hard nor put away wet, and comfortable enough for a cat’s company.

High, thin wispy clouds tinted peach and orange by low sunset light against a violet sky as seen around 4:30 pm Saturday, December 24, 2022 in San Pablo, California.

My neighbors have been loud today, yelling at each other while playing videogames next door, setting off Noche Buena fireworks in the street a little after sunset, and now reciting what sounds like prayers or spoken song lyrics in unison. Oddly, their dogs haven’t barked so far.

A tall electronic billboard stands Saturday morning, December 24, 2022 beside several large trees atop a painted yellow pillar beside an open stretch of westbound Highway 24 lanes across from the Lafayette BART station in Lafayette, California. The billboard's slogan, which is not visible in the image, read something like: "it's a holiday, not a speedway! Slow down!"

So I paid for an oil change! But not when an employee offered me several services after reading off his checklist for drivers of cars with more than 50,000 miles! Or for an air filter he suggested, before realizing he didn’t have it in stock! Or when he rang me up for it anyway!

A small black short haired cat who answers to the name Begum is sitting inside a beige-ish rope and carpet covered tri-level cat tree's darkened cubbyhole, the only box shaped object she deigns to occupy by choice, on a partly cloudy and cool Friday, December 23, 2022 in San Pablo, California. The cat's green eyes can be seen peering dubiously out of the cubbyhole.

We had a seam open up in the clouds covering the western sky, with a glint of sun slipping through for a moment, and even a half hour or so earlier today of a wan glow coming through the vertical blinds. Nothing to match warmth coming up from our floor heater as sunset comes on.

A pale seam is rent through high dark gray clouds seen in the western sky Thursday, December 22, 2022 in San Pablo, California.

Odd little errand first thing today, followed by more familiar efforts like work in the company’s little rented broom closet, a brief look at Volodymr Zelenskyy’s congressional address on CSPAN and a quick run by a hardware store to replace and restock cleaning supplies at home.

A portrait view, if not quite a close-up, of orange leaves on a tree as seen against horizontal wooden lattices forming a see-through wall as part of a sheltered enclosure in the courtyard at California Plaza, as seen around late morning Wednesday, December 21, 2002 in Walnut Creek, California

Got locked out of a broom closet, minutes before a scheduled press conference livestream. Just as it’s about to start playing on a borrowed laptop with a pen and pad in my hand, it’s cancelled due to technical difficulties. Minutes later, I look over at a TV and bam, there it is!

A view along an empty sidewalk from the northeast corner of 19th and Harrison streets, looking into Snow Park where a palm tree and a row of several evergreens stand, including one tipped at the top with bright late afternoon sunshine, on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 in Oakland, California.

Very slow Monday, with A. off being social and B. only interested in sleeping as long as I’d let her. Also, a pleasant surprise from friends, and the last of a series of super cold days to deal with. With some luck and discipline, a new target may be within reach by month’s end.

A close-up image of Begum, our eight pound short to medium hair domestic black indoor cat, is curled up on her right side with her eyes closed and her left arm and law drawn up against her, with ambient outside light from a bedroom window brightening the left side of her face. She's lying atop a light gray duvet, fast asleep. It's late in the morning on Monday, December 19, 2022 in San Pablo, California.