I managed to talk with one of two of the folks who reached out, and that’s going to have to be enough. At least I was home, and had enough together to take care of some things and be present in certain ways and watch the pendulum seeing less narrowly than last month or earlier this one.

A sunlit view of westbound Highway 24 in Orinda, California including exit signs pointing drivers south into downtown Orinda or north along Camino Pablo toward Orinda Village and Richmond, California

Today felt like everybody popping out of the woodwork and wanting some form of response. Did they deserve it? Much more often than not, the answer was no. So I held my tongue, tried not to bite it cleanly through at certain points, and made it all the way to the end of the day.

A mask obscured, hoodie wearing man walking back and forth in sunlight of the corner of Pringle Street and North California Boulevard Wednesday, February 15, 2023 in Walnut Creek, California.

I had to enter a federal building today. After the metal detector, while retrieving my belt, shoes and watch, I showed a guard my press pass. He asked if my paper used to be the one he’d delivered growing up. We traded memories of the old newsroom, and I managed not to crumble into dust.

A screen inside the Edward Roybal auditorium inside the Ronald V. Dellums federal building Tuesday, February 14th, 2023 in the 1300 block of Clay Street in Oakland, California shows a Flickr image of police officers carrying out a warrant service during Operation North Star 2, a recent United States Marshals Service interagency fugitive apprehension operation.

The cat’s in the hallway, yelling at A., and I’m thinking I’ve been a better steward of my thoughts here and elsewhere, and I’ll be better again someday if not soon. I’m not going to put money on it, but I might put time. Isn’t that stuff just as expensive as cash, if not more?

More cotton candy pink clouds seen against pale to deepening blue skies floating in the western sky shortly after sunset Monday, February 13, 2023 in San Pablo, California.

Not enough exercise as the last few days, but at least a half hour, whew. I didn’t comment on a couple of exercise and weight-loss social-media posts, while filling my mouth with one kind of snack to keep from stuffing it with the other kinds of snacks I wanted, and, well, here we are.

A nearly third quarter moon is visible in bright blue western sky beside white petal laden blooming branches of part of a dogwood tree around 9 a.m. Sunday, February 12, 2023 as seen from a grocery store parking lot in Walnut Creek, California

I’m no gamer, but I’m slightly gamified? Not Wordle or crosswords, per se, more Duolingo but less so Strava and Day One. Definitely not the standing-up app I tried for a bit, but more whatever I’m tracking my weight in, and using to write songs for whatever seasonal challenge is on.

A view of Wildcat Creek Thursday, February 9, 2023 from the greenway, with enough water in it to wet your jeans below your knees, and oddly low cut grassland and winter bare trees alongside it, under large morning sunny blue sky in San Pablo, California

Someone with a day off and no reason to go anywhere is likely to stay home, shower, slather some lotion on, and slip into soft clothing. I’m one of the weirdos who likes to dress up as if they had plans to go back out. Partly it’s temperament, but also: still newer-clothes novelty.

A glowing red curtain of turbulent clouds on the horizon just before sunset Friday, February 10, 2023 in San Pablo, California, several hours before expected rain showers arrive.

A good feeling to get out along the greenway this morning, see freelance litter patrol folk out with grabbers and bags, check out the low but clear and steady creek flow and the flora flossing for pollinators. We’re expecting a shower or two early Saturday, and every little bit helps.

Unknown white milky dandelion type bush sending little spores into the breeze Thursday, February 9, 2023 beside Wildcat Creek greenway in San Pablo, California

Today’s post-lunch pre-work wander up and down steps reminds me that the wheel of the year turns slow, with flower buds grinding it out petal by petal along shady sides of plaza stairwells, empty warmth of midwinter sunshine glinting off glass covered buildings, and change taking time.

Flower buds, pale green and pouty, prepare to burst into bright red petals in a stairwell bed outside an office building in the 2100 block of North California Boulevard in Walnut Creek, California

Cutting off water to our building for a few hours earlier today and for a few hours tomorrow: a minor hardship, compared to some of the things we’re seeing out of Turkey and Syria. It could just as easily be us here in the Bay or down in SoCal, and sooner than anyone could expect.

A white heavy duty pickup truck laden with plumber and trade gear parked in an apartment building's parking lot