Maybe the last little bit of rain for a while this morning as we drank coffee, so we got a walk along the greenway and took the long way back around the block, and were home in time to take the glass company’s call about possible window fixes. It looks like next weekend might be warmer and clearer.

A neon pink flower bursts like a firework out of a long prickly green thistle stalk against a field of out of focus greenery and gray sidewalk concrete under sunny skies Monday, May 8, 2023 in San Pablo, California.

I haven’t trod the boards in years, and I’ve never actually gotten on a skateboard, but I try to take pictures of them whenever they pass. There’s never a decisive moment I’m quick enough to capture, but there’s always a feeling of readiness and desire at seeing them wheel past with grace and ease.

A lean masked hoodie wearing black clad skateboard rider on the leftmost edge of the frame a of about to zip past an orange and white traffic cone Friday, May 5, 2023 while rolling northbound along the western sidewalk in the 1900 block of Franklin Street in downtown Oakland, California.

A. and I met up with a couple of friends who crossed the bay, braving traffic and full parking lots, to pick stalks of wild fennel and gawp at poppies along trails, wander marina stalls, chat over midday public market meals and noodle on ukuleles and weigh multiple guitars’ looks, feels and styles.

A bunch of bright orange California poppies shine up out of greenery along great rock outcropping at the marina trail Saturday, May 6, 2023 in Emeryville, California.

I took a lap this afternoon around one of those San Francisco intersections that folds in on itself in more than the usual amount of directions, and felt a little shiver go up my spine at the sight of a driverless car waiting in traffic for a green light, different than the other mapping-app cars.

A driverless Cruise car, a compact white four door sedan with a roof almost completely covered in cameras and mounted sensors, waits for a green light Friday, May 5, 2023 in northbound Portrero Avenue lanes at Division Street in San Francisco, California. On sidewalks behind and beyond the car, blue plastic sheeting and thin metal poles tied to gray nylon fabric show separate tents unsheltered city residents have set up.

Books against the shelf behind me on the morning call I took, but no booked time on another meeting with another representative. So I swung and missed on an online security quiz, but then events intervened and swallowed a whole afternoon in gulps almost as large as those going on elsewhere on staff.

Daubs of white black and gray cloud swirl against the sky in jagged monochrome splatter patterns Tuesday, May 2, 2023 as seen from Harrison Street just south of Grand Avenue in Oakland, California.

There’s no drama in some of these moments, just realization, just noticing and observing and watching parts of an equation move, away from, outside, maybe even beyond you. But even with the discomfort of unnatural things in motion, natural things like clouds and sun keep going, and so should you.

Rain kept creeping in at the edges of things, and the radar function of my phone’s weather app never quite nailed it down, so it was there in the slow crawl into Oakland, and then dousing the porch back home in the early evening, and it’ll probably start streaking the bedroom window within the hour.

A circular shaped mirror reflecting lanes of northbound Harrison Street traffic south of Interstate 580 is mounted on a wooden telephone pole Tuesday, May 2, 2023 in Oakland, California.

Got through another worrying gauntlet, and heard trumpets sound from a distant castle, and learned of a famed troubadour’s benighted departure, and made plans to meet up soon with one of my favorite cavaliers, so if the world wants to get medieval, I still prefer to counter with a bit of modernity.

A poster pinned to a wall along MacArthur Boulevard Sunday, April 23 2023 advertises a play at the Berkeley Repertory Theater called "English" by playwright Sanaz Toossi.

Filling in answers frantically during late morning coffee during language practice, filling up the gasoline tank while not looking directly at the police officers briefly questioning a man sitting in a parked car before driving away, filling out a text form and waiting on tomorrow’s appointed hours.

A San Pablo Police Department patrol vehicle drives west along El Portal Drive at Church Lane after leaving a gas station Sunday, April 30, 2023 in San Pablo, California.

It’s the first day of the Berkeley bike club’s yearly omnium race which meant seeing a small crew use leaf blowers and other tools to ensure reasonably clear bike paths yesterday during our drive home, and then seeing hundreds of cyclists on our way out and my way back zipping up and down the road.

A peloton of road bicyclists rides in the bike lane alongside light traffic in  northbound San Pablo Dam Road west of the the San Pablo Reservoir under blue skies Saturday, April 29, 2023 in unincorporated Contra Costa County