I don’t know what I’d do with a forest if I found myself near one. The last few months have been so brick and concrete and glass, with occasional bay water: nothing to knock and everything to adjust to and make work. Maybe if a couple of days come together at month’s end, we can get our tree on.
Category: Notes
Today’s color wasn’t the orange of the jacket that came home after catching my eye at the store last month, or the lambent lustrous blue of a clear sunny sky overhead during this year’s Hiero Day festival in Oakland. It was some of the shades of gray in fellow attendees’ hair, not to mention mine.
Today was precious, because it let me live out some gaudy and ridiculous ideal of novelty, beauty, apophenic utility, idyllic indolence spiked with frenetic finger flying. Only fitting that it was a holiday weekend, that a lesser benefic played a role and that I get to try it again on the old turf.
One of summer’s enduring features has been motorcycle sights and noises. Their buildup spills over in swarms buzzing through streets. Instead of writing about them or listening and watching through newsroom windows, I saw one guy today after turning at the right time, rearing up before a roar off.
The month began with some sort of abstract realization that often comes with getting taxes done. Then came surprisingly good coffee, in a place I can see why it draws a crowd, and a library visit. A trip home, followed by my last meal with my mouth in a specific configuration, followed by numbness.

Several hours’ power outage, so I got my steps in hauling a folding cart full of big-box store vittles up a three-floor stairwell. On the other hand: fading evening light while fumbling with open-D tunings and quiet talk until everyone’s lights came on almost to the moment the utility had estimated.

I could have stayed home. I probably should’ve, not least because I was advised to. But I went out anyway, and that made some if not all of the difference. I put the fool in the full blue moon. Next time, I’ll listen harder to advice about home. I might even follow that advice. Hey, it could happen.

Didn’t want to get up today. I’d just gotten the hang of sleeping after extra hours. Now I’m drinking water like a fish! In between, finally, came my first dentist visit in a long while and an eventful courtroom visit. Caught a bit of mercy for accidentally bringing a pocketknife inside a backpack…

Man, one of those days, starting with lousy sleep and aching head without even the pleasure of alcohol, topped off by a wild dentist chase, inclusion in a data breach and a thankfully negative-again test. The only upside: some work done, and a few months of interesting work ahead. Maybe even relief?

More walking and less eating than expected, with a strong toothache standing in between me and everything I need to concentrate on. Also: no karaoke, always a damned shame but also unavoidable consequences of overlapping duty and need. Now, time for me to get ready for the rest of the upcoming week..